FOX Jelly Cover Cappuccino 50ml


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SKU: jelly Cappucino 50 Category:


F.O.X Builder Gels are an ideal material for modeling nails, allows you to create a strong coating, build the correct architecture. You can create nail extensions with desired length and shape. The material perfectly holds the arch and does not deform. In addition, low-temperatured gel does not burn in a lamp.
Builder gel from F.O.X are presented in three consistencies: medium — Hard Gel, thick — Builder Gel and jelly — Jelly.

Hard Gel Clear is a liquid consistency self-leveling gel. Great for work without filing. Can be used not only for extensions, but also for strengthening nails. It has excellent adhesion to the natural nail. Holds the arch perfectly and has high strength

  • Stiff material
  • The gel perfectly holds the nail arch
  • Does not burn in a lamp

    *The Builder Gels and The Hard gels are only self-leveling
    **Jelly gel perfectly holds a complex shape before curing
    ***Cover gel in medium and jelly-like consistency preserves the smile line


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