Air Base 30ml


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FOX Air Base is a base for gel polish that replenishes damaged missing surface layers, restoring the structure of the nail plate. 

The material contains Wollastonite, an environmentally friendly component, first used in the nail industry according to the patented technology from TM FOX.

The shape of the molecules and the properties of the Wollastonite material serve as a micro-reinforcing filler. The base solves the problem of damaged and weakened nails.

Wollastonite air capsules do not create additional pressure and reduce the likelihood of cracking. A base with excellent adhesion properties, increases the elasticity and strengthof the coating, and is resistant to temperature changes.

Easy to use, preserves the architecture of the nail, self-aligns and does not spread onto the side walls. It has a balanced acidity level, safe for contact with the nail plate.


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